Age and Miscarriage
Yesterday we talked about genetic problems in the growing baby as a cause of #miscarriage.
Another possible causes of miscarriage is an older aged mother. A woman who gets pregnant at an older age is at increased risk of having a baby with a genetic anomaly and subsequently having a miscarriage. The risk is more when she is above 40. A woman that has had a miscarriage before is also more likely to have another one compared to one who has never had. If you have such risk factors, it is essential you plan your pregnancy with the guidance of a doctor.
Do this even before you get pregnant.
What about the father’s age?
Did you know that if the father is also of an advanced age, there is also a risk of miscarriage?
Other causes of miscarriage
Are you pregnant and stressed? Do you smoke or use recreational drugs like cocaine? Do you take moderate to large amounts of alcohol? You are putting yourself at risk of a miscarriage or #early pregnancy loss. Thankfully some of these habits can be controlled if recognised early. Sadly there are also conditions that are not that easy to control.
Some medical conditions in the woman may make her prone to a miscarriage. These conditions include severe high blood pressure, diabetes that is not well controlled, kidney disease and untreated thyroid disease. She may also lose the pregnancy if she has an ongoing infection like HIV or malaria, yes malaria in pregnancy is a potential cause of spontaneous #abortion and shouldn’t be taken lightly. That’s why pregnant women are given malaria prophylaxis at specific times in pregnancy. Do you have any of these conditions? Have you seen a doctor?
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