Getting Help For Depression (Day 2)

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Depression Self Help

We’ve learnt so much about depression. What are the available self help methods to tackle depression?

Let’s talk  about prevention

There is no 100 percent guaranteed way to prevent depression, Sometimes one notices it when it has already taken root but some conscious effort may succeed in preventing it or reducing its effect.

One of such things is adopting a positive and healthy lifestyle.

Eat healthy,stop smoking, alcoholism and other negative habits, make time out for exercises, incorporate healthy fun and recreation into your schedule.

A good family bond is also helpful. Do things together as a family. Don’t get caught up in your individual lives.

Depression myths

There are certain myths and beliefs we need to talk about. One is that you can easily snap out of depression, you find people saying things like why are you depressed? “Smile,” “Come lets go out.”

Depression is not so simple. It is not as easy as that to snap out of depression without a focused line of management.

Another myth is that if one has money, a beautiful wife or handsome husband, cars etc. he or she cannot get depressed.

Depression is no respecter of persons or position.

Getting Help For Depression.

Let’s look at how to treat . First of all you need to recognise there is a problem, not everybody will like to see a doctor or psychiatrist but sometimes this becomes inevitable.

One can speak to an elder or a counsellor who may be able to give some advice. These however do not replace the role of a doctor.

When you see a doctor, the doctor might choose one of a number of approaches for treatment. One is which essentially involves discussing with you on ways to change your behaviour, thought and mood concerning the illness, a family member may be present at these sessions.

This method may be successful on its own or may require the addition of drugs  called anti depressants.

The good news is that treatment significantly reduces symptoms in most people, though there is a risk of recurrence and sometimes further approaches may be necessary like electroconvulsive therapy .

Untreated depression could be a dangerous thing, there could be deliberate self harm and ultimate suicide. If a person  attempts  suicide do not gloss over it. He or she needs urgent professional help.

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This is wishing you a great day! Stay healthy.
