First Aid for Wounds
Welcome to Daily Health Check with Dr Gabby. We’ve talked about First aid box and it’s contents. Today we will start discussing what to do in specific situations to provide first aid. Let’s start with common situations. Do you know anything about first aid for wounds? let’s say you or someone around you obtains a cut on the arm maybe from a glass edge or a knife and it is actively bleeding, what do you do? The first thing is not to panic. Apply pressure on the area using a clean cloth or gauze if available and elevate the limb, this is to reduce the effect of gravity. While still applying pressure tie a bandage over the area or use a clean cloth. Don’t make it too tight.
If there is glass or an object stuck do not attempt to remove it as the stuck object can act as a plug, if you remove it, you may not be able to control the attendant bleeding. Do this and take the person to the hospital.
First Aid for Nose Bleeds
What do you do when you or someone around you starts bleeding from the nose? Nose bleeds are a pretty common occurrence in some people, however sometimes in can be badly managed due to ignorance. The first thing to do is get the person seated, bend the head forward to allow the blood drain out and use two fingers to pinch the soft part of the nose. Do this for about 10 minutes. The person should breathe through the mouth.
A mistake people make is to bend the head backwards, this will cause blood to go backwards into the throat. After 10 mminutes check if the bleeding has stopped and clean the area with water. If bleeding is much or doesnt stop after repeating the above, please go to the hospital.
Join me tomorrow for more tips. Stay Healthy!