Pelvic Inflammatory Disease and You (Day 1).

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We begin a new topic today one that is important to a woman’s reproductive life and health. Men also need to know about this topic as it will be important in helping to foster a productive relationship with your spouse.

We will be talking about .

Where is the Pelvis?

The pelvis is generally that area in your lower abdomen around your waist, this is where most of a woman’s reproductive organs are located.

Can you list some organs located there?

Did you mention the fallopian tubes, uterus(womb) and ovaries? You are right.

This is the site of pelvic inflammatory disease which is generally an infection or inflammation of these organs and the structures around them.

How does an infection get into the pelvis?

It is mainly through the vagina or cervix via sex (80% of cases are acquired through sexually transmitted infections).

It may also be through the blood or bowel.

Certain organisms are deposited in the vagina or cervix which spread to affect other structures.

These STIs are not nameless, they include organisms that cause chlamydia and gonorrhoea infections.

Who is at risk of PID?

Typically, sexually active young women who do not use protection and stay in areas where sexually transmitted infections are prevalent are more at risk.

Women with multiple sexual partners or past history of a STI are equally at risk.

Why all this fuss about ? What is the big deal about it?

PID symptoms

PID can lead to infertility or damage to a woman’s tubes; this damage may lead to an ectopic pregnancy, which is a pregnancy located in the wrong place.

But before this happens, a woman may feel the following symptoms:

Lower abdominal or pelvic pain

There may be vaginal discharge

Hotness of her body

She may feel like vomiting or actually vomit .

PID diagnosis

If you suspect you have PID, you have to see a doctor for confirmation.

The doctor will want to know what symptoms you have, he/she will also want to do some examination.

Your temperature will be checked and as  your abdomen examined, a pelvic examination may also be done.

All these may be enough to make the doctor reach a diagnosis, if not they may want to do some tests like an ultrasound or use a special instrument to view the pelvis.

See a doctor, you can be sure of confidentiality. Join me tomorrow as we talk about how to prevent PID.

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Stay healthy.

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