Prevention of Fungal infections
We’ve talked about Ringworm and athlete’s foot.
What are the things one can do generally to prevent having fungal infections? The following measures are helpful:
1. Change your underwear daily, guys do not wear one boxer for a week.
2. let your clothes and underwear be loose so that moisture wont accumulate.
3 After bath dry your body very well especially your groin
4. Wear socks before putting on your shoes. Make sure your socks are always dry.
5. Don’t wear very tight shoes. Throw away old shoes that you’ve noticed are causing fungal growth.
6. Do not enter communal bathrooms with your barefeet
7. Don’t share undies,towels, combs and intimate apparel with people.
8.if you are obese lose weight.
Are you guilty of any of these? Now is the time to make changes.
Myths and Beliefs about fungal Infections
Let’s talk about myths and beliefs about fingal infections. One is that the name ring worm was described because it is caused by a worm. This is not true, the ring name just comes about because of the shape of the lesion which looks like a ring or coin, fungi are not worms.
Likewise athlete’s foot is not unique to athletes, anybody can acquire the condition.
If your child has ringworm and is on treatment, he or she doesn’t need to stop school, they really do not need to cut or shave their hair, neither do they need to wear a cap to prevent spread, however make sure they are on treatment.
Diagnosing and treating fungal infections
Most of these fungal infections are easy to diagnose, a doctor will easily diagnose by history and examination. However certain tests may be required to be sure, these may include skin scrapings or hair which will be viewed under a microscope and cultured in the laboratory.
Choice of Treatment will depend on how severe the infection is, how widespread it is and whether it involves internal organs as well.
Choice of treatment varies from anti fungal creams to antifungal medications depending on severity. Some of these creams are easily available over the counter, examples include #clotrimazole cream which is applied over the area every 12 hours, Sometimes #steroid creams may be added. if the lesions don’t go away or there is no improvement after a month, see a doctor for reevaluation.
Prognosis of Fungal Infections
You may want to ask what is the outlook for someone that has this condition. I have good news for you, it is mostly excellent. Fungal infection of the body is 70-100 percent curable after treatment and will not likely result in severe outcomes. Sometimes treatment of scalp ringworm may fail if there is a re-infection or the drug is not well absorbed. but like I said before, on the whole the outlook is very good so there is nothing to be afraid of and nothing stopping you from going for treatment today.
Join me tomorrow as we discuss scabies.
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