You may have Erectile Dysfunction If…(Day 3)

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How do you Diagnose ?

We’ve been talking about causes of erectile dysfunction for a while. Let’s talk about criteria for diagnosis. It doesn’t take one failed episode to classify a person as having ED. The following should have been happening for 6 months:

1. Significant difficulty to get an during sex.

2 Significant difficulty sustaining this erection from start to finish of the act. 3. Significant reduction in hardness of the penis.

Like I said before, if these have persisted for 6 months and has been a source of great worry for the person, then he can be labelled as having ED. However, it should be shown that it isn’t caused by drugs,mental disorder, great relationship stress etc.

Role of partner

If you are experiencing ED it is always good to involve your partner in your management. This support goes a long way in leading to a quick resolution of the problem, do not be ashamed and do not be a lone ranger.

Options for treating Erectile Dysfunction

Thankfully, there are a variety of options for treating ED and together with your doctor, a solution can be found. One of these options, as simple as it sounds is counselling. What counseling aims to achieve is to help change behaviour and attitudes towards a condition. For example, take a man that believes he has to be a superstar in bed everytime and puts so much pressure on himself; counseling will make him understand that such expectations are unrealistic and that sex is a process that changes over time.

Have you set unrealistic expectations for yourself?

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