Lol, no, that is not a picture from a Nigerian Hospital.
The scenario plays itself over and over again…
A man runs out of a car into the hospital reception.
‘I have an emergency! Where is the doctor?’ He screams.
Everybody stares at him.
‘I said I have an emergency!’ He repeats, agitated.
‘Oga, calm down, what is the problem?’ A nurse finally asks.
‘Please I have an emergency.’ He repeats for the fourth time.
‘What happened?’ The nurse asks for the second time.
The man realising he has to play by the rules tries to calm down and explain himself.
The man’s patient has finally been admitted.
He walks to the nurses station and speaks with the nurse on duty.
‘Please my relative is due for her injections.’
‘Okay sir.’ The nurse replies.
The man, satisfied walks back to his relative’s side.
10 minutes later, he returns to the nurse, she is eating.
Trying to conceal his anger he reminds her about his patient.
As before, she replies, ‘Oga calm down, I heard you the first time.’
With that she finishes her meal and follows him.
Have you had any similar experience?
Image courtesy