Seizures First Aid (Day 5)

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Still on our series about first aid, Let’s talk about what to do if someone around you has a . First of all, what is a seizure?

A seizure can be otherwise called a fit or convulsion, it may be characterised by jerking of the body or some limbs, upward rolling of the eyes, foaming at the mouth or sudden unresponsiveness.

Seizures may occur as part of the medical condition called . However, it must be noted that not all seizures are caused by epilepsy. If someone is having a seizure around you there are some things you should not do.

Seizure Dos and Don’ts

  • Don’t put a spoon in his or her mouth, this may block the airway or injure the mouth.
  • Don’t place their feet in fire or rub mentholatum on their eyes, all these are counterproductive and will cause added damage. Have you been doing this before? It is time to stop.

So what are the things you should do?

  • First of all make sure the environment is safe, remove all objects or appliances around that can cause harm.
  • Put something soft on the ground to protect the person’s head and neck. in public do not let people crowd around the person. 
  • Check that the cloth he or she is wearing is not too tight.

Note that the convulsion will run its course, do not panic, just note when it starts, how long it takes and other features.

Next check the victim’s breathing and place him/her on the side with chin up to keep the airways open and the mouth downwards to drain any fluid . Continue to check their pulse and breathing until help arrives.

Now you see there is no reason to fear if you have the knowledge. Join me tomorrow for more first aid tips.

Stay Healthy!

3 thoughts on “Seizures First Aid (Day 5)

  1. These write-ups are great. But can you also share them via WhatsApp? The WhatsApp version could have a snippet of the article, and then the link to the main article on the website. This will elicit the desire to share to contacts on WhatsApp while also ensuring visits to the website to read the remaining article continues. A thought.

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