STD should you do a Test?

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Before talking about testing  we need to address two common beliefs:

1. What are toilet infections?

You meet ladies that say they have a toilet infection probably from sitting on ‘public toilets’.  I hate to burst your bubble, but medically we don’t recognise any entity called toilet infection. What these ladies could be having is vaginal discharge or pain when they urinate. This may signify a urinary tract infection or a sexually transmitted infection like gonorrhea or chlamydia.

2. Does ejaculation need to occur to get an STI?

Another belief is that ejaculation needs to occur for one to get an like Gonorrhea or Chlamydia.

Ejaculation doesn’t need to occur.

STD Testing – Why?

When people suspect they have a sexually transmitted infection, they are usually too shy to go for testing or treatment, but this is absolutely necessary to know exactly what one is treating. It is not enough to sit at home and experiment with antibiotics.

Gonorrhea Test

If you suspect you have Gonorrhea, you may have a swab test done at a lab, this involves inserting a swab (which looks like a long cotton bud) into your urethra or endocervix ( your urethra is the opening which urine passes, this is done for males while the endocervix is the opening of the womb), the swab is rotated to pick the organism. This swab is then tested to determine the actual organism responsible for the infection.

Chlamydia Test

Since Chlamydia infection doesn’t always show symptoms,  if you are a woman who is very active sexually, you can routinely screen for chlamydia like every year.

Routine screening isn’t recommended for men except it is prevalent in your environment or you engage in gay sex.

Swabs from the vagina can be taken from women while men can have their urine tested.

Where can I get tested for STDs?

As there are different sexually transmitted infections you can be at risk of, it is advisable to see a doctor first who will recommend the particular tests you should do. You will also be directed to a reputable medical laboratory where you can have the tests done confidentially.

Are you at risk of STDs? Have you done any screening or tests?

Stay Healthy.

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