Blood Sugar Monitoring
Yesterday we began our discussion on #diabetes, today we will talk about how to check your #blood sugar and what to expect.
There are two ways you can check your blood sugar.
You can go to a laboratory or hospital where your blood will be drawn or you can check it yourself by buying a #blood sugar monitor, this device is called a #glucometer, it requires just a prick of blood.
Where can I buy a Blood Sugar monitor?
You can get blood sugar monitors and test strips at reputable pharmacies or your hospital pharmacy. Avoid buying from individuals.
What is the normal range for Blood Sugar?
There are two ways you can assess your blood sugar, one is before you eat, called a fasting blood sugar. A level of above 126mg/dl (7 mmol/l) is indicative of diabetes and you will need to be further reviewed by a doctor.
If you have eaten before the test, then your sugar level shouldn’t be above 200mg/dl (11.1mmol/l). We call this random blood sugar
Have you ever tested for diabetes?
How do you know if your Blood Sugar is high or low?
Let’s talk about the symptoms of diabetes.
Traditionally, some people believe that when a person urinates and ants gather around the urine, that individual has diabetes.
However, some telltale symptoms of diabetes include the following
1. An increased volume of urine: you notice you are passing much more quantity of urine than usual.
2. You become excessively thirsty, your mouth is always dry and you keep asking for water.
3. You are losing weight in spite of a healthy appetite.
Please note that having these symptoms does not automatically mean one has diabetes but it is better to
visit the hospital and get tested.
Now, let’s consider another dimension: what are the symptoms of low blood sugar or hypoglycaemia?
Having low blood sugar may come about as a result of using anti diabetic drugs or insulin, or not eating for a considerable time.
One may notice sweating, shaking of the body and in extreme cases, the person may fall into a coma.
This is why it is also important to know your blood sugar levels especially if you are diabetic.
Join me tomorrow as we discuss how to prevent diabetes.
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This is Dr Gabby wishing you a great day.
Stay Healthy!