Sitting there, the weight of the world on her shoulders
A heavy burden, the weight of boulders
Yet all pass as if she isn’t there
None willing to ask about the burden she bears
Her eyes have ceased from all the crying
Now, she can only do all the caring
A sponge in hand, she gives him his daily bath
However little, she continues playing her part.
The part she plays seems insignificant
When compared to the Doctors skillful hands
Still, her watchful eyes never miss a detail
She can tell all that’s done right to the slightest detail.
If you’d ask, she’ll tell you how many drops form the IV fluid
And how many milligrams in the latest drug
She knows how many calories the doctor said
And exactly how to adjust the creaking bed.
Gladly, she would trade all that gain
For a chance to see him well again
But sadly, she has no choice but to continue to cope
All she can do is continue to hope.