Nigerian Doctors tell stories of their best moments and it will shock and warm your Heart.

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In response to a tweet from @DeboOdulana requesting for to tell stories of their best moment ever since starting their careers, Nigerian Doctors came all out with true stories that will awe you, inspire you, shock you and make you smile. Hear the stories from the horses’ mouths:










RTA: Road Traffic Accident

Breech: Baby coming out legs or buttock first

PT: Pregnancy test

Dilatation: degree the cervix opens when a woman is about to deliver

Suprapubic: tummy

Urinary Retention: Inability of a man to wee wee through his pee pee although seriously pressed

Gravid: Pregnant

Dextrocardia: Heart in wrong side of chest

Myaesthenia Gravis: a disease where muscles are weak


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