Why Free Medical Consultations should Stop.

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Have you ever asked a doctor friend for free medical consultations?

Ever wonder why a lot of Doctors are poor?

Yeah, you got it right – free medical consultations.

Sadly, yours truly is a major victim.

If I was given a penny for every free consultation I have given, I’d probably be on a remote Island somewhere, sipping fruit juice under a coconut tree, being served by various butlers in black and white tuxedos.

Free Medical Consultations are Tempting

The temptation to give free consultations comes in various forms especially via telephone and text messages. Sometimes, you are even required to reply using your own credit.
Examples of questions I have been asked on the phone include:

“My son has what looks like a rash, what can I give him?”

“I have a swelling here, what do I use?”

Note, in these instances, I have no means of seeing the offending rash or swelling, nor am I given more information about it. Somehow, I have to provide a cure over the distance.

You could also be out in public and someone introduces you as a doctor, the next thing is, “Doctor what do you think this is?” “What can I use?”

I have decided to stop giving free consultations/ services because of my experience with two cases:

1. The case of Mr B.
Mr B who is diabetic and hypertensive works in a utility company. This company through Mr. B has given me ridiculous bills. Mr B claims not to have any say in the billing. However he comes to my home to have his blood pressure and sugar checked and receive a new prescription. I don’t request a dime from him.

2.The case of Mr E.

Mr E does some work and electric fittings for me, he is always paid in full. After work he asks,”Dr I have this pain here, What can I take?”

I am expected to give him a free prescription .


1. Medicine is a ‘ humanitarian’ profession.
This comes from the so called Hippocratic oath. I’ve read through the original and Modern versions, no where did I see it written, “I shall work for free.”

2. Knew you before you became a doctor:

Yes, we grew up together, or went to the same college, I don’t have to pay to see you or to ask your opinion do I?

3. Doctors lack of business sense.

So my new resolution is – no more free consultations.

Are you in support? What is your take on the issue?