Daily Health: Erectile Dysfunction, a Man’s Problem?
Welcome to Daily health check with Dr Gabby. A big thank you for your continued support and welcome to all new subscribers. Please invite your friends and family to subscribe to this service. We will be discussing a new topic today, #Erectile dysfunction. Although women might be tempted to say this topic doesn’t concern them, but the reality is it concerns them especially when their spouse is affected as it can be a major cause of marital disharmony and infidelity.
What exactly is erectile dysfunction? In the simplest of terms this means the inability of a man to keep an #erection for the purpose of sexual activity. An increasing number of men are facing this condition although a fair number try to hide it.
Is your sex life okay?
How many men are affected?
Did you know that about 50% of men who are over 40 are affected by this condition? one can only imagine the effect this will have on them psychologically and otherwise.
Origin of an Erection
Let’s learn how erections are produced. Erections come about due to a combined activity from our brain and nervous system, hormones and blood vessels. So anything that affects any of these systems may lead to erectile dysfunction. However in doing so, one must also consider certain factors in a person’s life that could explain why they are having the condition.
Life Factors
Certain factors in a man’s life should first be looked into before making a diagnosis of erectile dysfunction as they may push him towards having the condition, these include
1. Whether or not he has relationship problems. For example, is he on speaking terms with his spouse, are they able to communicate their needs properly to each other? Has there been some violence in the relationship? Is the spouse suffering a severe illness or having sexual problems herself?
2. One also needs to know whether the person is going through anything that may make him particularly vulnerable at the moment for example unemployment or depression.
Is there any childhood trauma or abuse that may be contributory? Please address all these.
Join me tomorrow for more
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