Disadvantages of Marrying a Female Doctor

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This is In response to my earlier article: Ladies – should you say yes to that Doctor?

Are you considering proposing to that female doctor you can’t get out of your head? Well, here are some reasons you may or may not want to:

Why you may hesitate.

1. She is older and wiser ( which might not always be a bad thing).

2. She is independent.

3. She will more than likely talk back at you.

4. Her career may mean more to her than your needs.

5. You will sleep alone at night a lot and she’d probably not be back before you leave for work in the morning.

6. You would more than likely need a maid.

7. It may be hard to convince her to take extended time off work to raise the family or even to put her career on hold.

8. She has no time for extended dating, you’re either ready to marry or out the door.

9. I will stop here because I have been warned by the mafia to put more advantages than disadvantages.

So on to the pros.

Why you should marry a Female Doctor.

1. She takes her relationship seriously – she’s more than likely ready for marriage.

2. You are admired by your peers for landing a choice catch.

3. She is able to take care of major expenses for the family e.g paying the maid.

4. She is smart. And knowing a smart lady is ready to be submissive to you puts you on top of the world.

5. You have little to worry about her ante-natal care and birth of your kids.

6. She is hard working and good at multi-tasking.

7. She will hardly have time to sit down and engage in gossip with other housewives.

8. You always have a ready excuse to dodge couple events – “my wife is on call and I have to take the kids to Grandma’s”

9. You can leave her to bother about the right amount of calories you need in your diet.

10. Most female doctors are beautiful ( I had to put in that so my food won’t be poisoned at work).

So go ahead and propose to that doctor, while I take cover from the expected responses to this article. 🙂

Special thanks to @TheChubbyMissus

14 thoughts on “Disadvantages of Marrying a Female Doctor

  1. Nice one. Simple ant true.Its perfectly healthy to fall in love with a medical doctor. Your life might depend on it someday!Its a wise investment for a smart guy!

  2. Thanks you for thelping post. I am a newly inducted doctor and I’m in love with this other doctor. How would this play out eventually? I really value family time and someone that would the there for me especially after a stressful day at work.

    1. Hello. It is clear you know what you want out of marriage. It is left for you to find out if this doctor has the qualities you seek. Speak to her about your wishes and check if it aligns with hers. I wish you guys the best.

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