Diabetes myths and facts
Welcome to Health Check with Dr Gabby.
Yesterday we talked about lifestyle and dietary management of diabetes.
Today, we will be looking at some common myths and beliefs about diabetes.
One of such myths is that only old people can develop diabetes.
This is very untrue as young people are also prone to diabetes especially Type 1 diabetes.
Another myth is that a diabetic patient cannot eat or drink anything that tastes nice. Some believe a diabetic should only eat beans and unripe plantain and not rice, eba, bread etc which most Nigerians can’t do without.
This also is not true as a diabetic can eat all foods but what is required is guidance and monitoring of blood sugar. What should matter here is quantity. Do you know beans contains 60% carbohydrates?
Special sweeteners are also allowed.
Another myth is that a diabetic patient cannot take fruits because they’re sweet, this is also not true, they can take a portion of fruit per meal.
You can see that diabetes is not a death sentence
Treatment of diabetes
Diabetes can be treated using tablets or #insulin injections, these help to reduce the blood sugar.
An individual will need to see a doctor to decide which is best for them.
The doctor will make this decision based on the type of diabetes the individual has – either type 1 or 2 and how high the blood sugar is.
People with Type 1 diabetes are placed on insulin. Insulin is injected under the skin in certain sites on the body
In choosing the drugs, the doctor will also consider whether there are any other associated conditions such as hypertension.
What are the complications of uncontrolled Diabetes?
Let’s look at some of the complications of diabetes.
Not treating diabetes can affect virtually all systems of the body from head to toe.
1. There could be eye complications such as cataracts which may lead to blindness.
2. Frequent skin infections such as boils.
3. Nerve damage and wounds that won’t heal especially in the feet. This can lead to gangrene and
eventual amputation of the foot
4. There could be damage to the kidneys leading to kidney failure as well as coma and death in severe cases.
It is really important that diabetes has to be well managed.
The good news is that if your blood sugar is well monitored you won’t have to face these complications.
Blood sugar monitoring
So how do you monitor your blood sugar?
One way is by registering at a clinic or hospital where you can be monitored and followed up.
At the clinic, your medication will be reviewed as well as diet and your overall health.
Another way to monitor one’s blood sugar is by regular blood sugar tests.
You can get your own machine at home along with a dairy where you can record the readings.
Also it is important that you remember the signs of high or low blood sugar in order to know when to go to the hospital.
Well, that’s it for now about diabetes, hope you’ve learnt a thing or two
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This is Dr Gabby wishing you a great day.
Stay Healthy!
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