MALE INFERTILITY – A Crisis on our Hands (Day 1).

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Male infertility – here to stay?

Hello! Welcome to Check.

I want to say a big welcome to new subscribers. Today we will begin a new topic.

We will be starting a series on .

As you know infertility is a very sensitive topic, gone are the days people take infertility as just a problem of women, now people are more aware that there could also be male causes of infertility.

We will attempt to discuss that this week but first of all we need to define what infertility is.

Generally speaking infertility is the inability of a couple to achieve a clinically viable pregnancy after one year of frequent unprotected intercourse.

From this definition, we can see it talks about a couple, not a woman or man alone.

Indeed infertility should be faced as a couple problem; a man should not sit at home and send his wife to see a doctor or vice versa.

Another thing we note from the definition is that the couple have to be together and have frequent sex for there to be a positive outcome.

The man can’t be in Abuja and the wife in Lagos and have sex once in 6 months and expect a definite result.

Though the woman can still get pregnant from that one time, the chances are slim.

Are you making this mistake?

What causes fertility problems in men?

We can divide these problems into the following:
1. When there is an inadequate amount of sperm produced.

2.  Problems with the concentration of sperm.

3. Problems with transport of sperm.

For example a male child may be born with absence of either or both testis, this will reduce the amount and quality of sperm being produced.

A situation w here the urethral opening of the penis is not in the proper position e.g. underneath may lead to the sperm not being deposited at the cervix during sex.

A sexually transmitted disease can lead to an obstruction to the passage of the sperm.

These are just a few examples.

Another is hormonal problems, this means chemicals that should help the sperm are not being released from the brain.

Some medical disorders may also lead to , these include diabetes which may cause problems with erection and ejaculation

liver disease may cause wasting away of the testicle.

Another thing to watch out for is if the man has had surgery to the groin before e.g. hernia repair, this may lead to damage to any of the important reproductive structures.

Other things that may impair a man’s fertility include cancer of the testis and some drugs.

Are you suffering from any of these?

Join me again tomorrow for more

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Here’s wishing you a great day. Stay healthy.

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