Treating Back Pain Relief through Physical Therapy

Physicaltherapy for back pain
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Physical Therapy for Back Pain Relief

Welcome to Daily Health Check with Dr. Gabby. We are still talking about Back Pain relief.

I’m sure you will be interested in learning about a line of management for backpain that doesn’t deal with use of drugs or surgery, this is called physical therapy, it is part of what physiotherapists do. Who are physiotherapists? They are medical professionals that treat disease conditions using methods like massage, heat or ice treatment, exercise, electric muscle stimulation, traction etc. These methods are exactly what they use in treating some back pain. Have you considered seeing a physiotherapist for that back pain?


Let me quickly talk about one of the methods used which is massage. Massage is the act of rubbing or kneading the body muscles and joints with the hands to relieve pain and tension. Evidence available shows that people that have a chronic low back pain actually benefit from massage as it is quite effective, massage also helps for short and longer term pain relief.

Symptoms and function improve after massage. Do you want increased benefits? Combine massage with exercise. You will feel the benefits for a long time.

Lumbar Brace or Corset

We’ve been talking about physical therapy for back pain; in addition to this, your therapist may recommend the use of a lumbar brace or a corset, lumbar means lower back. Braces and corsets are things you wear to support the back. What this does is to stabilise your spine and keep your back in a fixed position.

A brace can be made from a lightweight plastic material. these supports can help quicken healing and may prevent further damage and injury.

You can ask your therapist whether you will benefit from a lumbar brace or lumbar corset. Join me tomorrow for more. This is Dr Gabby wishing you a great day. Stay healthy

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