Anxiety Help.

anxiety help
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Portrait of black girl going through anxiety

If you’re going through Anxiety you are not alone. These are some things you can do to get relief:

General relief from anxiety

    1. Be positive, tell yourself positive things, and if necessary write them down so you can read over and over again, you can incorporate this into times of meditation.
    2. Avoid negative habits, for example, alcoholism and smoking.
    3. Is there anything you find to be a trigger to anxiety attacks? Modify your behavior or attitude towards it.
    4. Start an exercise program or join a gym class. All these measures are very helpful in managing anxiety and may be worth a try.

Breathing Exercises

A great way to cope when you have anxiety attacks is breathing exercises. How is this done? Very simple,

1. Breathing into a bag

One method is breathing into a bag. When you feel symptoms of anxiety approaching just get a paper bag not a plastic bag and breathe into it in and out, let the opening completely cover your nose and mouth, do this for about 6 – 12 breaths and then remove the bag and breathe normally.

What this does is correct excess carbon dioxide loss which happens when we hyperventilate or breathe too rapidly due to anxiety. The Co2 is trapped in the bag instead of being lost and taken back in . What methods are you using to cope with anxiety?

2. Breathing in and Out

The next Anxiety relief method I want to teach you is a breathing technique that will go a long way in helping you face anxiety attacks. This doesn’t require any fancy apparatus or aid, all that is required is for you to know how to breathe in and out.

This is how to do it: with one hand on your abdomen and the other on your chest, take a deep breath, do this through your nose with your mouth closed, and do this until you feel your abdomen push the hand resting on it. Then breathe out through your mouth only slightly opening your lips and letting the air escape slowly. You can repeat this several times.

How do You feel now? Better I hope? There are more breathing exercises you can learn with a little research

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