When The Doctor is Sick

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Yes Doctors do fall sick.

No, they are not superhuman.

The following scenarios may come into play when a doctor needs medical help:


like watching the sitcom ‘House’ where the most minor symptom is given the most terrible diagnosis – doctors, due to their exposure often make a mountain of a molehill. Thus, a sudden headache may be perceived as a brain tumor or a boil may be looked upon as the beginning of a cancerous growth.

A lot of times they are afraid to let their colleagues know of their fears (because they may confirm it) and end up suffering in silence till the symptom either gets worse or spontaneously resolves.



This is the second scenario. All the symptoms are there but the doctor chooses to ignore them ( afterall we are superhuman). Thus that headache may be attributed to stress, or the swollen feet may be attributed to wearing tight shoes or that frequent tiredness may be perceived as being due to housework.
Recently, a young doctor had a stroke whilst on a ward round and another had complications from anaemia. Both episodes were fatal.


When a doctor’s relative, especially a close family member is ill, it is usually a trying time for the attending doctor who has to make sure he makes no obvious mistakes as every move or prescription will be keenly observed- This in itself can be irritating to the attending physician who will have to endure a series of endless questions and suggestions from the doctor.



I have not met a physician who likes to take, or is regular with medications – it is easier to admonish a patient for not taking their drugs than for a doctor to take drugs.

So the next time you hear a doctor is sick, don’t blame him or act surprised – rather give him a pat on the back and say,”I understand”.


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