What causes Erectile Dysfunction ?
We now know what Erectile Dysfunction is. Now let’s go to the causes of erectile dysfunction proper, one important cause is when a man’s blood vessels are affected, this could be due to some disease conditions like high fat and cholesterol levels, diabetes, heart disease and also abuse of tobacco.
Why are blood vessels important? This is because the penis receives blood supply to enable it become engorged and produce an erection. However, it is not only the blood vessels that help this, there is also the nerve supply. So any condition that affects the brain or nervous system will also lead to erectile dysfunction, this includes conditions like stroke, epilepsy and diabetes. Also, Ed can come about if there has been some sort of trauma to the penis. As you can see the causes of ED are numerous,
We are not done yet, there are many others like diseases that affect the body’s system e.g. hypertension, kidney failure and liver disease.
Drugs that cause Erectile Dysfunction
Another important cause we should know about is medications. Some people find they are unable to achieve a sustainable erection when they start taking certain medication. Sometimes they are able to pinpoint the offending drug, other times they are on so many drugs that they don’t know the culprit.
Drugs that may cause ED include some used for treating hypertension. Notable among these is the popular aldomet and moduretic which are commonly used in this environment; others are nifedipine and atenolol.
Are you on any of these antihypertensives? Hope it was prescribed by your doctor.
Another group of drugs that may cause ED include some drugs used for treating ulcers, depression and mental health conditions.
Others are drugs used to lower cholesterol levels. If you are on any of these drugs and suspect they may be the cause of your ED, please see your doctor who along with you will decide if the benefits outweigh the risks of using such drugs.
A decision will be made on whether the doses can be modified or whether the drug should be stopped altogether and an alternative prescribed. Please don’t make any decision on your own.