Sitting at this desk
Heater warming my feet
My body ensconced in three layers of clothing
Hands exposed, clutching this pen
The cold mist coming out my nostrils
Inhaled air, processed within.
Clock on mantelpiece strikes twelve
It is midnight
Again, I try writing this letter
The tears always come in between
Tears of loss
So much loss – for so much gain.
I remember when Papa lost his land
I say lost because he had it sold
Sold it to fulfil a dream
A dream of his young son
“Son, you can go now to the land across the waters”
“You will be the first Doctor from this village.”
I remember Ada, Ada with the long and thick hair
Ada with the smile that lit the sky
We went to school together
A love like ours, no other could find
But this was not her dream
She couldn’t be part of this dream.
Ten years have gone by
I now talk ‘through my nose’ like all the others
Memories of the sunshine get dimmer and dimmer
Memories of the green vegetation
And playing in the sand
All lost among the lights I now call home.
I can hear them now, the sirens in the distance
I know I won’t be able to complete this letter
I pick my stethoscope and await the inevitable call
Another day
Another life to save
Another day away from home.
Image courtesy Google
The life of a Doctor in soujourn. Our land pursues us, fliniging us far from it shores
Is this your story Dr E?
I have three African colleagues in my place of work, one working here to pay the fees of her son on his journey through medical school.
Parents make great sacrifices.
Anna :o]
Yes indeed, who can resist that thrust?
Thank you Anna, it is not my story, however it is a common theme around me. Sad thing is after all the sacrifices, few remember to give back because they are so caught up in the new system.