Can Anxiety cause Physical Symptoms? Day 2

Anxiety symptoms
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 Symptoms of Anxiety

Is anxiety just a condition where the mind plays tricks on us or are the symptoms real?

The truth is anxiety is not just a condition of the mind, people do feel physical symptoms in their body.

  • Do you feel like you just can’t relax? 
  • Do your palms or body get sweaty for no reason or you suddenly feel hot?
  • Is your heart pounding?
  • Does your tummy feel queasy?
  • Does your chest feel like there’s a tight band around it?
  • Are you breathing excessively? 
  • Do you find yourself going to the rest room frequently?

These are all possible physical symptoms of anxiety, one or more may occur  either alone or together.

Anxiety can also come with psychological symptoms.

  • Do you have a constant feeling of foreboding or a sense of doom?
  • Are you hyper alert to everything?
  • Are you always scanning and checking for danger?
  • Do you find it hard to concentrate on a matter at hand?
  • Do your family and friends always accuse you of not being quite there or not hearing when you’re being spoken to?
  • Are you very irritable or easily startled?
  • Do you feel as if you are detached from your body or that your environment is not real?
  • These are all  psychological symptoms of anxiety.

Thankfully there are things you can do that will help. Remember I said you’re not alone.

Join me tomorrow for more.

Stay Healthy!

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