Stooling and vomiting (gastroenteritis) day1.

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Daily Health: What causes and ?

Welcome to Daily Health Check with Doctor Gabby. Almost all of us at certain times in our lives have had episodes of stooling and vomiting, sometimes we may even see a little blood in the stool. In this series we will discuss . This is essentially a condition that is characterised by diarrhoea and vomiting.

The causes of gastroenteritis range from  bacterial to viral infections.  Age is not a limitation as the condition affects both young and old. It also affects people from all walks of life.

Bacteria responsible for this condition include which causes Typhoid fever and Vibrio cholerae which causes cholera. There are many others.

Viruses like are also responsible. These organisms enter the body when we  eat or drink contaminated food or water; they then move to the intestines and cause damage.

These bacteria and viruses that cause stooling and vomiting cannot be seen with the naked eyes.

Risky Habits

Do you have any of the following habits?:

  1. Buying food from suspicious or unhygienic sources.
  2. Consuming stale, expired and sour food and drinks
  3. Not cooking food properly
  4. Not washing your hands after using the toilet, changing diapers or before eating.

All these habits put you at risk of stooling and vomiting. In some instances a whole family or even a community can be affected. There have been outbreaks and epidemics of gastroenteritis.

Do you take special notice of what you consume? Are you being safe?

Why not invite your friends and family to join us for this important topic. Join me tomorrow for more. Stay Healthy!

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