I don’t wish to be a patient transported from one hospital to another in Lagos. In fact, I will not wish it on my enemy. I have been a passenger in an ambulance on several occasions and I’ve realized much to my chagrin that Lagosians/Nigerians could care less if an ambulance was passing.
Nobody wants to know who is being transported. In fact, nobody cares if you’re in a life-threatening situation. Nigerians don’t care if an ambulance is stuck in traffic with them. Like our contempt for everything publicly owned, we also have contempt for ambulances.
In saner climes, drivers veer to one side to clear a path for an ambulance. Not Nigeria.
Types of Road Users
Out of four road users at the moment an ambulance is passing through, the first is more concerned with not giving up his lane for you while the second is trying to peep into the ambulance to check what you are carrying. The third doesn’t care and shouts on you to stop making noise. The 4th is unbothered, thinking about his or her own problems. Solve yours in whatever way you deem necessary.
Fast and Furious Chasers
Let’s not forget the fifth road user who is trying to tail the ambulance to get a free and fast pass through traffic #FastandFurious
Ambulance Deaths in Traffic
Drivers have lamented the fact that many patients have died en route hospital.
Some of these patients are on intravenous fluids, some on limited oxygen supply, and some in labour. These conditions are time dependent and a minute could be the difference between life and death.
Whatever your doubts about the occupants or mission, it is better to err on the side of humanity and decency. Let that vehicle through! It might be somebody you know.