2023 is finally here!
And with it the times we feared most. There are no more doctors!
We can no longer sugarcoat the problem, Nigeria is bleeding doctors.
Recent statistics by the National Association of Resident Doctors show 6 out of 10 doctors are planning to leave Nigeria
Away from statistics, the situation on the ground looks even bleaker. This is from a doctor’s perspective. You can imagine what it would be from the patient’s perspective.
There was a time where when I had the need to refer patients to a specialist I could reel names off my head. Now I have to call friends to call friends to help look for so-so specialists.
Now whole units in hospitals are unmanned by the required cadre of doctors because frankly, everyone has Japa. A case in point is this headline where a unit in a teaching hospital had no house officer to work for an entire month!
This situation is worse than a strike action, because in a strike, the doctors are around they are not just in the clinic. You can still find them in private hospitals. In this situation, there are no doctors!
Your life is in your Hands
Now more than ever, your life is in your own hands, you are your own doctor and nurse!
Prevention is key in 2023. You can’t take your health for granted thinking one stressed and overworked doctor is going to save your life if you develop a life-threatening emergency.
You have to do all that is in your power to keep from falling sick. Keep a clean environment, do your exercises, watch your diet, cut out harmful habits and manage your stress levels.
And when you do fall ill, do not wait for it to become an emergency before presenting to the hospital. Know the common preventable causes of disease for your age and work actively to prevent them.
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