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EDITORS NOTE: Due to a certain state government’s recent “ban” on commercial motorcycles popularly call “okada” I felt I should once again bring up this post for you to air your views.

(A Guest Post by Dr. Busuyi)

“I don’t want to die!”

“I don’t want to die, please help me!” “Please save my life!” He pleaded passionately.

He was brought by good Samaritans in the early hours of a calm day.

Looking at him he looked moribund. His life seeping away.

He was a young man in his early 20s; unkempt and in a lot of pain; dirty, with a foul stench emanating from his body.
Oh that smell!

He was also penniless.

He was in a pool of his own blood with multiple deep lacerations on the chest and the abdomen.

There was nothing left to the imagination,he was a living study in human anatomy – his stomach and intestines
were out of his body,
clearly exposed for all to see.

He was a local commercial motorcyclist who, as is common to many of them, was riding at break-neck speed when he suddenly had to apply his brakes.

He was immediately launched like a rocket off the motorcycle and landed on the metal wires used in demarcating the dual carriage way on a popular street in the city’s Metropolis. The wires tore into him like a prize turkey.

Of course he had no protective gear on.

It was a gory sight. A scene straight from the horror movies; blood here, blood there and blood everywhere. One of the ones you know that just can’t survive.

We rushed him to the theatre, his life hanging by a thread, in a pool of his own blood, no time to ask un-necessary questions like who would foot his bill.

It was a gruelling surgery, but survive he did. He was lucky all the necessary manpower and equipment were available.

The lacerations were all sutured; The stomach and intestines were returned into the abdomen.

Luckily for him, his spleen and abdominal aorta were spared. If not, he would have been dead in minutes.

He recovered.

I felt proud to be a doctor, a life saver used by God. It was one of the most memorable days of my career.

But there was one small problem – who would pay the bills?



Follow Dr Busuyi on twitter @drbusuyi


  1. Difficult question Anna, especially as the NHS is still in the embryo stages in this part of the world. Good Samaritans may choose to pay, or the patient may in some way have a payment bond with the hospital. Otherwise, it may just be regarded as PRO BONO by the hospital.

  2. Thank God for the man's life and that payment of the bills was secondary in this instance. Hopefully he has learnt a lesson and will drive safely and get himself protective gear and does not think himself as having nine lives like they say of a cat.

  3. I like this, and it's renewing to know that doctors like that still exist, 'cos in this side the medics I've met in the General hospital are worse than Boko Haram.

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