Hanging The Stethoscope Series
- Brief bio:
Ans : My name is Kiki Omeili, Doctor turned Actor and movie Producer.
- Why did you choose to study medicine initially
Ans: It was strictly a decision based on the fact that at the time I was making the choice to study Medicine, Professional courses were the race of the moment. I was very young and I didn’t think too much about it.
- What year did you graduate medical school?
Ans: 2006
- At what point did you decide you would deviate from medicine?
Ans: In my 4th year in medical school
- What inspired you to start what you’re doing now?
Ans: Passion and a hunger for self expression.
- How long have you been away from Medicine?
Ans: It’s a tad difficult to answer that question as I have never been fully away from medicine. Even though I don’t actively practise clinical medicine, I have always been a passionate health advocate and done my part to educate people about health issues even through movies I produce.
- Have you decided Medicine is not for you or are you just trying other things for now
Ans: Acting/producing/health advocacy is me fulfilling a passion but all future options are open.
- What has been people’s reactions to your decision?
Ans: Many people get really upset, and that’s something that I don’t quite understand.
- What was your family’s reaction?
Ans: My family, my parents especially were and are still very supportive. It would have been really difficult for me otherwise.
- What do you do now?
Ans: I am an actor/producer/health advocate.
- Do you have any regrets stopping medicine?
Ans: Considering that I never really stopped, Not at all. lol
- Do people still call you doctor?
Ans: Yes. As they very well should. You never stop being a doctor, you just stop being a practising doctor.
- What are the challenges you are having in this new role?
Ans: Like everything else, there are numerous challenges faced. The challenge of constantly reinventing yourself and staying relevant, the challenge of continuously honing your talent, the challenge to stay same amidst so much Chaos, loss of privacy.
- Did you have to do any special study or training for your new job/role and what was it?
Ans: Oh,Yes. I attended many acting workshops and classes and still do. it’s a continuous work in progress.
- Can you still write a prescription for malaria/ hypertension/ diabetes?
Ans: Damn straight I can. I renew my license every year and this requires attending update courses, so Yes.
- Do you try to update yourself on medical trends?
Ans: I definitely do. The world is always evolving and one needs to keep up to date on trends so as not to be left behind.
- Have you faced any embarrassing questions by people who still feel you are practicing?
Ans: Not that I can remember.
- What would you like to change about the way medicine is practiced in Nigeria
Ans: I would like for us to take emergency medicine a lot more seriously. It’s currently a joke. People are rushed into emergency medical centres and are told things like “There is no hospital bed” or”Go and bring a police report before you can receive treatment” and other ridiculous things that would usually result in the death of the patient. Its saddening.
- What advice would you give a medical student or doctor that wants to hang his or her stethoscope
Ans: Being a good doctor is a calling. Make sure it’s not your calling before you hang up the stethoscope.
- Your Social media handles
Instagram @kikiomeili
Twitter @kikiomeili
Facebook Kiki Omeili
YouTube Kiki Omeili