A lonely moon far out of sight
Peeking through the shadows
Peering at a scene through the windows.
The silent beep of hospital monitors
The footfalls of hospital janitors
All is calm
A little too calm.
Tubes reconnected
Tubes taking fluid in
Tubes bring out fluid from within.
Sadness around the room
Relatives quiet, sensing doom
A tear runs down a sad face
A seemingly hopeless case.
Doctors conversing
Nurses documenting
A laugh
Who dares laugh?
An opened eye
A nurse walking by
A flurry of activity
A final gasp, a reach into eternity.
Thank you Anna, i agree, especially when they have been through so much pain.
A beautiful poem and yes indeed, relatives do sense death.
At times death is a sweet and welcome relief to a patient.
Anna :o]
This touched me deep within. Good one.
Thanks Kemi.