Kidney Disease and You (Day 1).

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How well do you know your kidneys and about kidney disease?

This week we begin a new topic that is very germane considering the increasing prevalence in our society – .

First of all, we need to know a little about the kidneys. The kidneys are two bean shaped organs about the size of a fist located in the back of the abdomen. The kidneys have various functions:

  1. One important function is to filter harmful substances from what we take in, these are then passed out as urine.
  2. Another is helping to maintain the volume and content of the body fluid.
  3.  The kidney also secretes hormones, one of which stimulates production of red blood cells, this is why some people with kidney disease have low blood levels.
  4.  The kidney also plays a role in regulating blood pressure by balancing  salt and water in the body.

You can now see how important the kidneys are to our survival.

How do you know if you have a kidney problem?

It isn’t everytime  kidney disease manifests out rightly, sometimes it is found incidentally. For example when you do a routine urine test at  your clinic or when testing  for other conditions like hypertension or diabetes.

That being said, one of such symptoms is a marked reduction in how much urine you pass, if you find that the quantity of urine you pass in 24 hrs is less than a bag of sachet water then you need to see a doctor.

If you notice swelling of your face and or your legs, it is due to accumulation of salt and water and may be a symptom of kidney disease.

Kidney disease may also manifest as blood in the urine though this may also be found in some other conditions.

Another symptom is pain. Pain due to a kidney disease may be located at the sides or close to the waist.

Kidney disease can also affect other systems causing breathlessness, hypertension, or even heart failure

This is why kidney disease can be deadly..

Join me tomorrow as we discuss acute and chronic kidney disease.

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Stay Healthy!

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