If something had gone wrong
and you bled to death.
If something had gone wrong
and I had come out with my hands and not my head.
If something had gone wrong
and my placenta had detached before time.
If something had gone wrong
and I didn’t cry at birth.
If something had gone wrong
and you couldn’t get to the hospital before I came out.
If something had gone wrong
and I chose to come earlier than nine months.
If something had gone wrong
and somehow my parts weren’t fully formed.
If something had gone wrong
and my head got stuck during delivery.
But nothing went wrong
So we can safely say…
I am a miracle.
Image courtesy.
Ah, the miracle of birth. I remember the words of an obstetrician I followed as a medical student. In terms of delivering a baby as a doctor, he said, "99% of the time you don't need to be there; 1% of the time you don't want to be there." I think there is much truth to that. For the most part, it is a joyous event. Sadly, every now and then something goes wrong, and everyone in the room feels the pain and sadness.
Thank you Carrie, I'm definitely storing that quote.
i like dis…..
Thank you Oluchi, ringing first time visitor bell for you.