If only I had listened…
The advice was simple enough to read
Reduce your fat intake it said
Reduce your salt it said
Exercise regularly it said
If only I had listened.
If only I had listened…
I was told to take one tablet a day
That’s not too much you say
But when I miss taking one I still feel okay
So I stopped taking it every day
If only I had listened.
If only I had listened…
I was told it was hereditary
That it could be passed down my line in the family tree
There was no sense in this, far as I could see
There was no likelihood of it affecting me,
If only I had listened.
If only I had listened…
Please stop smoking she said
You’re slowly becoming an Alcoholic she pleaded
I told her she should stop being scared
It was all just in her head, I said
If only I had listened.
If only I had listened…
I was told we both carried the Sickle cell gene
But that didn’t stop us from being keen
To get married , they were just being mean
I had suffered so much to get this win
If only I had listened.
Thank you Anna, somehow I didn't think of mentally ill patients who are perfect examples of why one should not skip meds.
A mentally ill patient that skips meds is a time bomb waiting to happen e.g suicide, serial killing.
I would agree with Carrie re the 'it can't happen to me mentality'…
also understand re meds – don't take it and I feel fine. This is often a problem in mental ill-health which sometimes has devasting results. I always remind patients whos state they feel fine and so do not need meds that they feel fine because of the meds…
Anna :o]
Thank you Carrie, it was actually inspired by a patient who had a normal blood sugar 2 years earlier but was cautioned on some lifestyle modification which he failed to adhere to. He presented to me with a raised blood sugar.
My first comment appears to have disappeared. Forgive me if my comment comes up twice.
I was saying that too often, people don't make changes until it's too late. There's often the "it can't happen to me" mentality, something we all can be guilty of.
Nice post.