Portion Control
Do you know what portion control is? Before we come to that, let’s recall what we’ve learnt so far.
So far, in learning about diet and weight loss, we’ve talked about reduced energy diet, risks of certain diets and fasting diet. There’s still another way to control diet in order to achieve weight loss and that is by controlling your food portions.
What is Portion Control?
#Portion control is just as the name implies, it means controlling/ reducing your food portions. Admittedly this is easier said than done, but there are some tricks.
How to control your Portions
Let’s discuss tricks you can use to reduce your food portion size and by extension your energy input so as to help your weight loss goals.
1. Cut your portion into bits
For example a slice of yam or plantain can be cut into many pieces, the psychology behind this is when the food is cut into many pieces it seems to be more and one is likely to eat less of it rather than eating it as a whole.
2. Reduce your plate size
If the plate size is large you will be tempted to fill the plate but if it is smaller even if you fill the plate, the quantity is less. Take a look at your plate sizes in your kitchen, do you need smaller ones?
3. Divide your plate
Another way to swap your meal is by dividing your plate in 2. Fill one half with vegetables, divide the other half into 2, in one part put protein e..g fish, lean meat, beans and the other half put carbohydrates like pasta. How does this sound?
Tomorrow we will talk about sugars. Stay tuned.