Hepatitis B FAQS – Day 3

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Hepatitis B FAQS

We’ve defined hepatitis and how it is transmitted. Let’s discuss some frequently asked questions Hepatitis B infection.

 I’m Pregnant and Hepatitis B positive, what d I do?

Make sure you register for antenatal care. The level of the virus in your body will be checked and if it is high you will be placed on antiviral drugs.

Is there any risk to the baby?

Yes there is a risk of transmitting the virus to the baby. The baby of an infected mother will also receive 2 shots within 12 hours of birth which will help prevent the virus.

Can Hepatitis B virus  be found in all body fluids?

You won’t find the virus in sweat, urine or stool.

What kind of food should I eat if I have hepatitis?

Actually people with hepatitis that don’t have have no specific dietary limitation.

What is liver cirrhosis? liver cirrhosis is essentially scarring and damage to the liver, it is one of the complications of hepatitis, such patients will need a special diet which the doctors will advice them on.

There are other complications of Hepatitis B infection which we will look at tomorrow.

How can one prevent hepatitis in general?

There are several things you can do, these include the following:

1. Make sure you get the required immunization, babies also receive immunization against hepatitis as part of their immunization schedule

2. Practice safe sex

3. improve your personal and environmental hygiene

4. Monitor your source of drinking water especially when you travel, boil your water if you have to

5. Don’t share sharp instruments or needles .

6. Cook your food properly

7. Avoid alcoholism.

Reduce your risk of coming down with any of the forms of hepatitis by doing the above. Go over the list again. What changes do you need to make? Join me tomorrow for more. This is Dr Gabby wishing you a great day.

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Stay healthy.

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