Meet Bariyu
- Brief bio: name, present occupation: Bariyu Yesufu, Ventriloquist, puppeteer and Comedian
- What year did you graduate medical school? 2005
- At what point did you decide you would deviate from medicine? When I was consistently making more from my side hustle than my actual job. Prior to then, I’d spent a few years in health insurance so I was already mentally prepared for a life outside medical practice
- How long have you been away from Medicine? 4 years and 9 months if you don’t consider HMO doctors as being in medicine
- Have you decided Medicine is not for you or are you just trying other things for now– Initially it was to take a year’s break, then 2, then 3. I do plan to play some sort of active role in clinical care but for now I’m having too much fun.
- What was your family’s reaction? My family is supportive
- Do people still call you a doctor? All the time!
- What are the challenges you are having in this new role? – Being a pioneer in a field can be both an advantage or a disadvantage. Having to explain how I do what I do is one challenge
- Did you have to do any special study or training for your new job/role? – like any skill ventriloquism is learned and practiced until one is proficient. Same with puppetry. A sense of humour helps with creativity. I signed up for and purchased several courses
- Can you still write a prescription for malaria/ hypertension/ diabetes? Yes, I can still write prescriptions for those but not much else.
- Do you try to update yourself on medical trends? Not really
- Have you faced any embarrassing questions by people who still feel you are practicing? Not really
- What would you like to change about the way medicine is practiced in Nigeria– that would be another lengthy interview on its own
- What advice would you give a medical student or doctor that wants to hang his or her stethoscope. Whatever you need to succeed or be happy is inside you
- Your Social media handles: hi it’s Bariyu Yesufu Connect with me on:
- @bariyu on Twitter