Meet Dr Femi (Branding, Printing and Corporate Gifting)
- Brief bio: name, present occupation – Dr. Oluwafemi Adekoya, CEO, The Print Haven by KFA
- What year did you graduate medical school? – 2004
- At what point did you decide you would deviate from medicine? – I was working as a Monitoring and Evaluation Officer in Calabar and was just fed up. I had the opportunity to return to base in Lagos to take over one of the family businesses.
- What inspired you to start what you’re doing now? – Boredom and not wanting to practice Medicine in Nigeria.
- How long have you been away from Medicine? -11years
- Have you decided Medicine is not for you or are you just trying other things for now? -Definitely not for me anymore
- What has been people’s reactions to your decision? – Conversation starter. Most people initially surprised, then impressed. A few condescending remarks in the past mainly because I allowed it.
- What was your family’s reaction? – Took them a while to adjust but I believe they have come to accept that I truly am not interested in medical practice
- What do you do now? – I run a custom print shop specializing in the sourcing and branding of promotional items, souvenirs and corporate gifting.
- Do you have any regrets stopping medicine? – NONE. I still utilize a lot of skills learnt in medical school in my current business. I have learnt to pay extra attention to detail and to be very observant with almost every area of my job. We pride ourselves in churning out excellently executed jobs all the time
- Do people still call you doctor? – YES
- What are the challenges you are having in this new role? – Regular challenges associated with running a business in Nigeria.
- Did you have to do any special study or training for your new job/role? – I learnt on the job.
- Can you still write a prescription for malaria/ hypertension/ diabetes? NO
- Do you try to update yourself on medical trends? -Not anymore
- Have you faced any embarrassing questions by people who still feel you are practicing? -Not really
- What would you like to change about the way medicine is practiced in Nigeria. EVERYTHING!!!!!! Special focus needs to be placed on the medical field. ATOTAL OVERHAUL.
- What advice would you give a medical student or doctor that wants to hang his or her stethoscope. Be certain medicine is not for you; be willing to put in a lot more work as you step out of your comfort zone.
- Your Social media handles @theprinthavenkfa,