Out of every 10 doctors you meet, one is:
Doctor Frustrated:
These are doctors that are not happy with the conditions in which they work; this may be due to the country, the specialty or the department in which they work, You can constantly hear them complaining about something or the other.
Doctor Business:
These doctors are constantly on the phone, and no, they are not discussing a patient’s management. They have various business interests outside medicine.
Doctor Academic:
These doctors are always reading, either for an exam or for the next ward round; you can usually find them in a tutorial session discussing any new academic topic of interest. Many times, they have no life outside the medical field.
Doctor Politics:
These are doctors that are either activists, interested in politics or holding various posts in medical associations, they nurse an ambition in administration.
Doctor Leisure:
These doctors usually have extra curricular activities which they take more serious than Medicine, they could be members of various recreational clubs.
Doctor Caring:
These Doctors go the extra mile for their patients, they are very empathic and can stay up late thinking about their patients.
Doctor I Ain’t Practicing:
These doctors have hung their stethoscopes either temporarily or permanently, and usually, they’d rather you didn’t ask their opinion on any health issue, because, frankly, they’ve forgotten.
Doctor’s Doctor:
These are doctors even doctors like running to for advice or their opinion ; they are always calm, composed and possess a perfect grasp of any issue you bring to them.
Doctor Friendly:
These doctors are the life of the party – or should I say, the life of the hospital. Everybody loves them; the nurses have a smile on their face when such doctor is on duty, the patients feel better when the doctor is around, or at the sound of his voice. You can see such a doctor throwing banters around as he walks through the wards, just like a president waving to a crowd of supporters.
Doctor Serious:
Medicine and health is a serious matter for these group of doctors – there is no time for idle chit chat as lives are at stake. These doctors are usually unforgiving when any mistake is made by their subordinates.
Do you agree with these stereotypes? Have you met any of the above stereotypes? What do you think about them? Is there any stereotype I left out? Tag a doctor friend or family member.
Which am I: Business? Caring? Friendly? *thinking* But wish I'm a doctors' doctor. 🙂
Wish granted 🙂
I think under "Doctor Frustrated" you should also include the doctors who don't really have a passion for medicine, but became doctors because it was expected of them by their family. They are sometimes, frustrated, sometimes bitter, and an "I don't care" attitude.
Have I met any of these stereotypes? I've BEEN some of these stereotypes. I was definitely the Doctor Academic and the Doctor Caring which led me to the Doctor Frustrated and then ultimately to the Doctor Ain't Practicing. At least for now, anyway. Primary care is too difficult to practice in ten minute appointments, which is what led to most of my frustration. Of course, as with all stereotypes, there are variations within the categories, but I think you've covered them quite well. 🙂
Nice post.
Plus 'Doctor Blame the nurses/secretary/physio…' and 'Doctor Drug Rep shagger' and 'Doctor massive Workup to CYA' plus 'Doctor Active Alcoholic'…plus 'Doctor who does PV on every female patient'…oh the list goes on and on….
Yes,YDW, you can recognise those doctors from a mile off.
Thank you Carrie, as usual you bring your good humor to your comments.
Hahaha, yes, them too. Thanks Mal!
So which Doctor are youuuu Dr. Erhumu??
Think you have forgotton Dr Arrogant who is the bane of his/her patients (and his/her colleagues)…
otherwise your list is healthy.
Anna :o]
Ah! Yes, Dr Arrogant who thinks he's the next best thing since ice-cream, always letting everyone know how superior he is.
Thanks Anna.