Life with Diabetes (poem)

Life with diabetes
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It all started when I went out to urinate

The urine just wouldn’t abate

It was then I noticed a strange thing

Ants started to gather around my urine.

All of a sudden I felt like drinking water

The more I drank, the  thirstier I became

The more I drank, the weaker I became

I had no choice, I had to see a doctor.

Now I’m at the doctor’s place

It is hard to read the expression on his face

He finally says I need to check my sugar

I tell him I hardly take any sugar.

We do the test and I am waiting

We do the test and I am shaking

He finally tells me it is


But I still don’t understand what it is.

Now I have to change the food I eat

Now my daily bread has to be made from wheat

I have to start  exercising

Jogging, swimming, or just fast walking.

I get tired, so I stop the drugs and exercises

And return to my life of little excesses

Now I’m feeling kinda funny

It’s as if the whole room has started turning.

I wake up in a hospital room corner

I am told I have been in a coma

It’s been 24 hours I’ve been here lying

My family is convinced I am dying.

image courtesy

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