Hey Doctor, how are you?
You seem awful stressed out today
I noticed a tear at the hem of your coat
Don’t you think you should have it checked?
Don’t worry, I will get someone to check it out for you.
No Doctor, there is nothing wrong with me
Rather I am here to help you out
I have about a thousand troops
All I need to do is make a call
And they would all come running down.
I am Lord and Master of the High Seas
Surely, you would have heard of me
At the sound of my voice the pirates quiver
I was sent to rid the world of evil
I am a very important person as you can see.
I am wealthy beyond measure
I have castles in France, Belgium and Spain
Servants to meet my every pleasure
I have a banquet everynight
Doc, you should come visit me one of these days.
No, Doctor, you cannot stick that needle into me
You obviously don’t know who I am
I’m only here on vacation to help the world
There’s nothing wrong with me
No Doctor; no, don’t do that!
NB: Patients with Grandiose Delusions have an unshakeable belief they are someone very important, usually larger than life ; they also have an engaging personality and are filled with stories that can easily get you carried away. Read more about it here.
Hah I am familiar with this in my work setting.
We all have a need to be needed and for those who are 'lost' delusions of grandeur fill this gap, meet a need to be needed, to matter, to be important…
Anna :o]
Yes. an escape route.