Obesity – Myths, Prevention and Treatment (Day 2)

Obese woman
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Obesity myths and facts

Yesterday, we talked about health risks associated with obesity, today we want to look at common myths and beliefs about obesity.

A common belief in our society is that obesity is a sign of wealth and good living, though some obese people are wealthy, this is generally not true .

Another is that it is only obese adults that can face health challenges, this is also not true as obese children and teens can also develop diabetes, hypertension etc.

When we discussed the causes of obesity we also found that it is not always eating food that causes obesity so don’t look at obese people as gluttons.

Obesity Prevention

Preventing obesity should start from developing the right habits in childhood;

Teach your children proper eating habits, to be active and participate in sports.

Avoid a sedentary life, this means an inactive life, being a couch potato, sitting all day and sending different people to do things for you without lifting a muscle.

Keep your car at home.

Walk to the grocery store,

Don’t seat watching TV all day!


is really important.

Avoid junk food.

Cut down on your carbohydrates and fat.

Cook your own meals.

Reduce portions.

Incorporate vegetables and fruits into your meals.

Avoid alcohol, sweetened drinks and sodas.

Don’t forget to .

Exercise is the best way to prevent obesity, you can jog, swim or do brisk walking 30 minutes daily for most days in a week.

You can join a gym or buy a bicycle.

Treatment options for obesity

The most practical way to treat obesity is still  to diet and exercise as well as modify any behaviour  you have that predisposes you to obesity e.g. snacking.

Find out what encourages you to indulge in snacking, is it boredom, friends or passing a particular route daily? Then find alternatives to these.

In this environment, there is little else you can do.

You can get medication to treat obesity.  Some prevent your body from absorbing the food you take while others  make you feel full.

These drugs are not readily available and they have to be under strict physician monitoring.

If you are so obese that your life is threatened healthwise, you are morbidly obese.  Some people cannot go out of their homes and need support to even go to the toilet. In such a case surgery might be the only option left.

A , banding etc. is done.  A bypass as the name implies divides your stomach in such a way that the amount of food you eat is limited and parts of the digestive system is by passed, this limits how much nutrients you can absorb.

These procedures are very expensive requiring highly skilled surgeons, still, they are not without risks.


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Here’s wishing you a great day! Stay healthy.



image: vanguard news

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