How Covid 19 has changed our lives
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One of the characteristics of obsessive compulsive behaviour is doing stuff repeatedly even though it becomes distressing. This includes repeatedly checking if you’ve locked the door and washing of hands. Indeed, one of the common obsessions is that of contamination and one of the common compulsions is that of cleaning/washing.

Fortunately or unfortunately, repeated washing of hands is now normal behaviour with the advent of covid 19.

Frequent washing of hands alone may not be too much of an issue. However the knowledge that Covid spreads between persons in close proximity and the varied and confusing data that the virus can last up to several days on different surfaces have made all of us a bit paranoid. I am no exemption.

The other day I watched in horror as a street beggar/area boy used his napkin/handkerchief to wipe down the car ahead of me. All this was in a bid to get some money from the occupant for the erm… services rendered. I could only begin to imagine the number of bacteria and viruses he had cultured on the poor lady’s car.

One now sees viruses everywhere. We now open doors with anything but our hands. Wipe seat handles and desk tops several times a day. People wash received packages and spray down their vehicles with sanitisers. Sometimes these things are done even though they’ve been all alone. let’s not go to the different protective coverings people have devised.

The big question is will this be our new normal?

What has been your particular paranoia since this pandemic started?

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