Skin Infections caused by Fungi
Hope you enjoyed the series about acne. Today we will discuss another group of common skin infections usually confused and mixed up. These are fungal skin infections. Before we do this we need to know what #fungi are.
Fungi are organisms that live in nature and thrive in environments like soil, animals and man. Scientists have used fungi to produce such things as antibiotics, food and spirits.
Fungal skin infections go by various names in Nigeria. You may know it as #ringworm, Yorubas call it Lapalapa, Hausas Makenkero, Ibibios call it Ekpo mfem (forgive my spelling).
What do you call them in your part of the country or world? I would really like to know.
They cause some specific skin disorders; Ringworm of the scalp is known medically as tinea capitis, other common ones include:
Tinea pedis popularly called athletes foot which is an infection of the feet and space between toes.
Tinea cruris popularly called jock itch is infection of the groin
Fungal infection of the body is called tinea corporis.
These are all caused by fungi.
How do you get fungal skin infections?
You can get from contact with another person, animal or soil.
How do these fungi get into the skin? What conditions make it favourable for this to occur?
Fungi reproduce with spores, you can come in contact with these spores in the air or on the soil by inhaling them or when they land on your skin.
These fungi love moisture. You can find them on skin surfaces that touch e.g between the toes, in the groin and under the breasts in women.
You can find them on damp clothes, towels, boxers, shoes etc.
Do you feel you have a fungal skin infection? Join me tomorrow as we discuss specific types.