Intermittent Fasting
We’ve been talking about different types of diet. Let’s talk about another method people use to lose weight called intermittent #fasting. This is a method where you choose certain days to fast. The success of this method no doubt will depend on whether you can be faithful and disciplined to follow through. This from experience isn’t easy.
How do fasting diets work?
Some fasting diets recommend reducing food on the fasting days rather than totally eliminating food. On the fasting days it is recommended you take about 25% of what you would normally eat, this will ensure you take in less energy and will help towards weight loss.
A way to go about this fasting diet is to use the 5 to 2 diet plan. Here you are required to choose two days of the week where you will fast and the remaining 5 days you eat normally. This method can also be as effective as energy restricted diets.
How does this sound to you? Is it something you are willing to try?
Disadvantages of a fasting diet
Like all things, a fasting diet is not without demerits. We’ve talked about the most obvious which is that it is difficult to adhere to. Another problem is we are not sure of what may happen to your metabolism if you continue with this intermittent fasting for a long time.
There is also a risk of becoming malnourished and not having adequate nutrients in your diet.
This diet is not adviced for pregnant women, it is also not adviced for people with diabetes except they are supervised by a doctor as it may take a great toll on their health.
So have you tried any type of diet? Were you successful?