ASUU Strike: The Health Implications

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This particular ASUU strike appears to be for the long haul. Students in the nation’s universities are still at home after 5 months. Their lecturers are determined to have their demands met by the Federal Government.

We all know about the academic consequences of the action, but nothing is being said about the immediate and future consequences of this action on the health of the students.

Health consequences of the lingering ASUU Strike

It is not rocket science to know that top on the list will be mental health issues – A wide variety of mental health issues are possible as they continue to spend more time at home


The World Health Organisation (WHO) defines stress as “the reaction people may have when presented with demands and pressures that are not matched to their knowledge and abilities and which challenge their ability to cope.” The strike is an extremely stressful period for the students. It is a new experience for many who have no coping mechanisms whatsoever to adapt to the situation.

Panic attacks

Panic attacks develop from fear of the unknown and they can get so bad that they become a panic disorder. Fear of not knowing when they would be called back to school, not knowing when they will graduate, fear of hearing unfavorable news, etc may lead to panic attacks.

Depression and Suicidal tendencies

Being at home for such a long time while your mates are either graduating, moving to foreign countries to study, or getting mouth-watering job offers can leave a student with a feeling of worthlessness and hopelessness. This may eventually lead to depression with risks of suicide.

Obesity and High Cholesterol

A sedentary lifestyle (which essentially means being inactive) is one of the top risk factors for cardiovascular diseases like hypertension. Since they have nowhere to go, students become couch potatoes. They watch Tv for hours or are on their phones. This leads to developing unhealthy eating habits like junk and binge eating.


What is the relationship between staying at home and developing hypertension? There are several risk factors; unhealthy eating habits, stress, alcoholism, smoking, etc can predispose youth to develop hypertension. If not now, then later in life.

Alcoholism, Drug abuse, and Addictions

As they say, an idle mind is a devil’s workshop. The increased rate of insecurity in the country may just be traced back to the ASUU strike.

If something is not done and soon to end this impasse, the lives of University students in Nigeria will be hanging on a precipice

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