A cold clear day
The boys come out to play
Eleven players on the field of grass
A line up of future stars.
It’s an exciting game of football
It promises not to be dull
A calculated pass; a sudden shot at goal!
The striker is on a scoring roll.
Boots kick up grass; throw up dust
He has to score, it’s a must
Striker goes down, clutches chest
Wrong time to take a rest.
Striker stays down, breathless
Tears off his jersey, goes shirtless
Feels like tight bands around his chest, tightly gripping
Squeezing, almost choking.
Team mates run towards him
He struggles to breathe ; he can barely reply his team
Sweating, his voice, eerily musical, is croaked
He goes limp , the match is stopped.
image courtesy
Oh really? Coming from you, I regard that highly. Thank you very much.
Jeez…you're a poet and you know it!!
Thank you Anna :o] for your kind comment.
A fine write Sir!
Anna :o]