Dr. Did I do anything that caused this miscarriage? DAY 4

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We’ve been talking about how miscarriage happens, sometimes the woman would have had a but she wouldn’t know, this is called a . Here there will be no bleeding and the cervix would remain closed, the woman also would not have any cramps. She will only suspect there is a problem when her tummy doesn’t seem to be increasing in size or when she goes to do an ultrasound scan and is told the devastating news that her baby’s heart is no longer beating. If you’re a man and your spouse is facing any of these situations, please give her all the support you can. She needs it.

Let’s go to some frequently asked questions about miscarriage. One question a lot of women ask is “Doctor am I the cause of the miscarriage? Did I do anything that may have caused it?”
The answer is No, the fact that you had sex, carried heavy objects, went to work from morning to evening is not the reason you had a miscarriage.
Also, even if you had noticed early, when the miscarriage started you couldn’t have been able to stop it. It is important to know these as some women face unnecessary guilt after a miscarriage which shouldn’t be.

How long should you wait after a miscarriage?

You may want to ask, “Doctor How long after a miscarriage should I wait before trying again?” The answer to this is when you feel ready. However, like we mentioned before, it may take up to three weeks for a miscarriage to be complete so it is wise to wait until you do another pregnancy test and this turns out to be negative. You can now go ahead and try again.

Also the fact that you had a recent miscarriage does not mean this one will turn out the same way. Be Positive. Join me tomorrow as we talk about tests and treatment for miscarriage.

Stay Healthy!

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