Adulthood – Why Am I Always Tired?

reasons why adults are always tired
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Weekdays, weekends, public holidays all seem to be the same. Staying home or going to work makes no difference. You wake up tired, you go to work or stay home tired, you go to bed tired.

If this is your situation and you think you are alone, not by a long shot!

We Are All Always Tired!

There are many reasons for this and they may not all be medical. Common reasons include the following:

  1. Poor Diet and Nutrient Deficiency: The demands of adulthood and the quick pace of life these days makes a lot of us eat what we see, not what we should. It is not uncommon for a lot of adults, especially in this part of the world to eat large amounts of carbohydrates as breakfast, lunch and dinner. With this the body is not getting enough required nutrients to be balanced and active. Iron is an essential nutrient found in green leafy vegetables and fruits which sadly is absent in most of our diet.
  2. Inadequate Sleep: Being tired always doesn’t necessarily mean you are having enough sleep. Telling most adults in this part of the world they should sleep 6 – 8 hours daily is like saying you want them to be poor.
  3. Poor Work Life Balance: Life is not all about work, and life is not all about play – you have to strike a balance, work when you should and have time for relaxation and family life. Each is as important as the other.
  4. Lack of Exercise: The importance of exercise is often under played in adult life. We should have at least 150 minutes of exercise weekly, this translates to about 30 minutes of exercise daily for most days in the week. Fast walks, jogging, cycling and swimming are good options.
  5. Worries and Stress: What would adulthood be without worries and stress? Stress from work, from bills, from children, from relatives, the list is endless
  6. Some Physiological Processes: Sometimes tiredness is physiological to help you manage that stage in your life, for example pregnancy, menstruation, menopause.


  1. Relaxation, meditation and sleep – turn off those electronics!
  2. Diet rich in fruits and vegetables
  3. Manage your time
  4. Exercise
  5. Drink water – you may just be dehydrated!

Can Serious Medical Conditions Cause Tiredness?

Yes. Some serious medical conditions can cause recurrent tiredness. Conditions like severe anemia, heart failure, kidney failure, cancer among others. Usually, these conditions will come with other clinical features like paleness of skin, leg swelling, severe weight loss and breathlessness.

If you think your tiredness is not ‘natural’ please see a doctor.

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