7 Ways to get the best from your Doctor.

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doctor consultation
Doctors are bound by the Hippocratic oath to treat all patients without any bias. However with thousands of patients coming in and out of hospitals these days, it is becoming a challenge for doctors to remember patients  as more than just patients. So how do you ensure you get the best from your doctor? The following ways will help.

1. Remember their name

This unconsciously makes the doctor sit up, knowing that small details are important to you, they had better take you seriously.

2. Remember to say thank you when better

This serves as a boost to the doctor’s morale especially when seeing any future patients. It encourages the doctor to put in more for his or her patients’ welfare knowing that their little efforts actually yield results.

3. Don’t be too smart

Carrying pages of research you’ve downloaded from the internet on care issues to impress the doctor might actually do the exact opposite. Again, coming up with a diagnosis rather than telling the doctor the symptoms you have may put them off. It does no good saying ‘Doctor I think I have Malignant Mesothelioma.’ If you have a cough, just say you have a cough. You should always ask questions though.

4. Smile and be positive

Doctors dread going into a room where they know the patient doesn’t have the right attitude both to his illness and to the doctor, but they do like to help and encourage a patient with a positive outlook to things.

5.They are not superhuman

Of course doctors like to feel as if just a mere touch from them would heal any condition. However, it is a different case when this is actually expected of them.

6. Statements to avoid

‘ Doctor, as you can obviously see. I am sick’
‘ Doctor have you ever heard about this condition?’.
‘ If only my usual doctor was here.’

Such statements can do a lot to dampen a doctor’s spirits.

7. Don’t Stalk

Following your doctors to their  favourite coffee shop to ask your latest questions or accosting them in the car park is a no no. They may  try to avoid you next time around.

Are you getting the best from your doctor? Why do you think this is so?

2 thoughts on “7 Ways to get the best from your Doctor.

  1. Oh well, Doctors are counsellors in their own rights too, so you have to bear with the way each patient presents their case and use psychology to extract what you need from them.

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