5 Fascinating Medical Conditions
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Yes, we’ve all heard about hypertension, diabetes, and cancer, but there are some fascinating medical conditions one can write a bestseller about(and some have done just that). How many of the following have you heard about?

1. Charles Bonnet Syndrome:

You meet a person, and the person starts talking to you as if he’s known you all his life, he is pleasant and goes on and on about one thing or the other, some related to the present, some totally unrelated, but they all make logical sense. He even shows you a chair to sit in and his eyes remain trained on you as if checking you out. There is nothing amazing in that on its own; but what if after you left the person, you were told he was completely blind? He was just having visual hallucinations.

Charles Bonnet syndrome occurs in people who have lost their sight and they see things that are not really there and it is real to them.

2. Folie a deux (Communicated insanity):

I once met a lady who felt so strongly that her relatives didn’t wish her well, she felt so much animosity towards them that she prevented her daughter from ever meeting them. But there was only one problem, this woman was certified insane. It didn’t take too long before the daughter developed the same symptoms her mother had. The mother had essentially transferred her insanity to her daughter.

Communicated insanity occurs when a previously sane person develops the same symptoms as an insane person just by influence. It occurs a lot in families.

3.Tourette Syndrome:

Imagine someone that has to curse or use obscenities in every sentence, how unpleasant that would be for you; but what if the person has no control whatsoever over it?
Patients with Tourettes have completely involuntary repetitive movements and are prone to involuntary outbursts of obscenities.

4. Munchausen syndrome by Proxy:

This is another interesting one. Imagine you wanted to get the eye of your medical practitioner, and the only way you see this happening is by continuously using a child and either causing him to have true symptoms or deliberately fabricating or manipulating signs, symptoms, and tests. You may even go as far as harming the child to achieve this purpose.

5. Conversion Syndrome:

The mind is a powerful tool. Sometimes it can tell one that he is blind and voila, the person becomes blind. It can say you are epileptic and voila you start having fits. However, a medical examination shows nothing.

Conversion syndrome occurs when physical symptoms are caused by psychological problems. These may resolve when the problems are solved.

So score yourself, how many of these fascinating medical conditions have you heard about? I would really like to know.


  1. Never knew their names but I definitely have a friend with Tourette's syndrome. And I've heard of Munchausen syndrome by proxy. that's sad!
    Thanks for the new knowledge

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